
Monday, December 2, 2019

How to save MULTIPLE graphic settings in Firestorm

Hello! Issa me!

So today I just wanted to go over something pretty neat that I think most photographers and bloggers... and perhaps designers take advantage of in secondlife. It is the graph settings presents!

You can save multiple settings in this presents tab and it helps you toggle back and forth between each present if you're someone who has a crappy computer like I do, and you need to give your computer a rest after straining it on such high settings for so long.

Sometimes, I use this option to reset the shadows if the textures are not rezzing right away because of the high settings or if the textures are becoming blurry, or if my fps drop down to 1.1 haha ( yes, that really happens to me ). Below, I have shared the default and high graphic settings shown in the video above. The default setting is what you will expect to see when you first download and log into firestorm, it's the default setting that LL has saved for us in the viewer. The second setting is what I usually use and it is what i created and saved.

This is what the DEFAULT graphic setting looks like:

This is what my HIGH graphic setting looks like ( the one shown in the video above):


How to make your firestorm viewer PINK!!


Welcome back! I wanted to share another neat trick that I have been using for quite sometime. This is my favorite aspect of the firestorm viewer and the reason I enjoy secondlife ( believe it or not). You can turn your viewer into a totally DOLL-LIKE-PINK TEMPLATE!

I have shared a brief demonstration of the entire process in the video below. You will need to hop into your preferences >> SKINS and then select the starlight option. You must press okay and then relog in order to complete the process. This is probably one of the special things about firestorm!

AND HERE IS A NEAT SECRET! Your ban lines look like little dancing unicorns! So you don't feel so bad about being locked out AHAHAHA

The end! Enjoy xo