
Friday, November 29, 2019

How to SAVE YOUR MODIFIED Windlight Settings for Future Use!


Welcome back! Today I hadecided to create another video sharing some things I forgot to share in the first video. This is the video you want to watch after you have downloaded and installed the Mewsery windlight settings from HERE and watched part one of this windlight series HERE.

I hope this video brings insight into how you can save your windlight settings for future use after modifying them. Once you save the windlight you have modified, it will NOT override the previously saved one unless you use the same exact name as the previous windlight saved ( this will all make sense once you start dabbling with your settings and saving each new windlight you make!).

Here are screenshots of the windlight I created in this video and saved randomly. You are welcome to use these settings!

The "Phototools" window is like your windlight picker.
The "Edit SKY present" window is basically your driver.


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mewsery - xoKitty [Windlights] Download & Instructions


I have wanted to share this for quite some time now. I've finally gathered the collection of different windlight settings I often play with in most of my ADs or snapshots on facebook. You are free to share, modify and re-create these to your heart's content. Welcome to the Mewsery xo

To download this, simply click this link below. And click the download icon on the top right corner of the screen.

DOWNLOAD THIS: Mewsery - xoKitty Windlight PACK

Check out Linden Labs' comprehensive guide to installing windlight settings on different operating systems! Here:
Step 1
LOG out of secondlife before you proceed with installation.

Step 2
Download and Unzip the Mewsery - xoKitty WIndlight Settings shown above. Then open the skies folders and drag the .xml files into the skies subdirectories under the right windlight folder, depending on your operating system and viewer you are using.

Step 3
Then log back into secondlife and pull up phototools, see the video below for instructions on that.

Depending on your operating system, your windlight settings folder may be under one of the following;
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\SecondLife\user_settings\windlight\skies

Windows Vista and 7

In the Finder, use Go menu > Go to Folder and paste in: /Library/Application Support/SecondLife/user_settings/windlight/skies


U P D A T E 
To add a few more things I have picked up along the way! I have started using black dragon! You are not required to use EEP with black dragon, which means these settings will work flawlessly and you can install it with that viewer. If you mainly use black dragon for photography like I do, here is a new blogpost which features screenshots of my black dragon viewer as well as a clip of what your settings may look like if you end up using the same settings:

Read more here: