
Friday, November 29, 2019

How to SAVE YOUR MODIFIED Windlight Settings for Future Use!


Welcome back! Today I hadecided to create another video sharing some things I forgot to share in the first video. This is the video you want to watch after you have downloaded and installed the Mewsery windlight settings from HERE and watched part one of this windlight series HERE.

I hope this video brings insight into how you can save your windlight settings for future use after modifying them. Once you save the windlight you have modified, it will NOT override the previously saved one unless you use the same exact name as the previous windlight saved ( this will all make sense once you start dabbling with your settings and saving each new windlight you make!).

Here are screenshots of the windlight I created in this video and saved randomly. You are welcome to use these settings!

The "Phototools" window is like your windlight picker.
The "Edit SKY present" window is basically your driver.
