
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Black Dragon - ScreenShot Settings Share!

Hey everyone, 
Please remember that taking your pictures at anything higher than 1000 meters in the sky can give different results. Therefore the best level to take pictures is either 900 meters or less. So consider setting up your platform somewhere around that range or even on the ground if you can. 

I have gotten a few questions about my settings on black dragon. I wanted to preface this by saying... I am still new to black dragon so there is still a lot to learn. I just wanted to share this quick clip featuring the settings I achieved in this video:


First things first. CRTL+0 and CRTL+9 are your friends!!! To avoid that weird fish eye look your photography may have. Sometimes I press down CRTL+0 either 5 or 6 times. When I am on black dragon, I go as far as pressing it 9 or 10 times ahah but, it really helps your picture in my opinion.

If you are using some of the same settings without any lights rezzed, you should be able to receive the same result. Below I have also listed the shader toggles and my windlight settings as well. Remember that each feature you find in black dragon can be enhanced and tweaked to fit your unique scene! 

Enjoy and feel free to ask any questions if you are interested or curious about anything and I will do my best to answer!

The windlight used in this clip is a variation of an old set of windlight settings I shared a while ago. Those settings are still available here:

Black dragon does not require EEP so you can still install these on your viewer and use them instead!

Here are the screenshots featured in the clip above, please use these to fine tune your black dragon settings! Good luck!


The CryBaby Eyebrows✨💖😀👌❤️😍

CryBaby Eyebrows @Mewsery

Hi Babes!

So, I guess it is time to create an actual blogpost for these eyebrow appliers as I have updated them yet again and wanted to give you several visuals on what the eyebrows will look like in world depending on the head your avy is wearing. Always try the demo before you purchase!

Here are the applier options that are currently available;
+ [BOM] Layers ( specifically designed for Genus Mesh Heads )
+ Genus Appliers ( these appliers are available for the eyebrowlayer and tattoo layer )
+ Lelutka Evolution X - BOM layers ( these will fit only the EVO-X line )
+ Taxi to Mewsery Mainstore

The ad features the Genus babyface mesh head. I have now scaled the eyebrows to fit on the lelutka Evolution X mesh heads. The eyebrow shaper included in this pack will be specifically for the Ceylon mesh head but, you are welcome to try it with other eyebrow shapers.

Here is an example of a look I was able to achieve with these eyebrows on the lelutka ceylon head. 

The appearance of these eyebrows will change depending on how you shape your eyebrow shaper, which is why it is important to either wear the eyebrow shaper provided, or tweak your eyebrow shaper when you are trying the demo. Here are a few examples of how these eyebrows could appear, depending on how you use your eyebrow shaper:

Remember that there is a white/tintable option but all other layers allow you to copy and modify easily!


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

*NEW* Starlight Eye Makeup @Mewsery's Mainstore

#Mewsery - Starlight Eyemakeup
Hiya babes,

So I some how forget to display these at the mainstore after releasing them, so I decided to share this set again in this Wednesday's one day 69L Humpday Sale before officially setting them up at regular price. 

Please try the demo before purchase. 

+ Genus Appliers [ BOM layer ] 
+ Smudged Neon Eye Makeup 
+ With Eyeliner Options 
+ Under eye stars are a separate applier but, can be worn together. 
A D  D E T A I L S
+ Eyebrows: CryBaby Eyebrows by #Mewsery
+ Lipstick: Olivia by Velour
+ Face Skin: Yumeko Skin Pale by serotonin. ( Face & Body Skin are sold separately )
+ Body Skin: Body Skin / Legacy / Chubby Cleavage (Pale) by serotonin. ( I use the Legacy version for the Kupra body I wear, it's not perfect but it works)
+ Collar: 118_Bouton_Neck Collar by Sibilla