
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

*NEW* Starlight Eye Makeup @Mewsery's Mainstore

#Mewsery - Starlight Eyemakeup
Hiya babes,

So I some how forget to display these at the mainstore after releasing them, so I decided to share this set again in this Wednesday's one day 69L Humpday Sale before officially setting them up at regular price. 

Please try the demo before purchase. 

+ Genus Appliers [ BOM layer ] 
+ Smudged Neon Eye Makeup 
+ With Eyeliner Options 
+ Under eye stars are a separate applier but, can be worn together. 
A D  D E T A I L S
+ Eyebrows: CryBaby Eyebrows by #Mewsery
+ Lipstick: Olivia by Velour
+ Face Skin: Yumeko Skin Pale by serotonin. ( Face & Body Skin are sold separately )
+ Body Skin: Body Skin / Legacy / Chubby Cleavage (Pale) by serotonin. ( I use the Legacy version for the Kupra body I wear, it's not perfect but it works)
+ Collar: 118_Bouton_Neck Collar by Sibilla