The Devotion collar comes in four different styles. Each style has 5 different collar band colors, 3 metal options and each heart comes in various colors. This posts is created to serve as a guide, with basic overviews and instructions regarding your collar. Especially if you plan on using the scripted RLV version. Bare in mind, the collar is petite but, I have left it so you can resize it, regardless of the body you are wearing.
How to adjust your leash
The collar labeled as RLV, contains the open collar scripts/system. This means, you can enable RLV on your firestorm viewer or secondlife viewer and use it with this collar. If you are new to open collar, I highly recommend setting yourself as the owner of your collar first before granting permissions to anyone else. I would also recommend familiarizing yourself with RLV and how the open collar system works. There is a wealth of information and various resources available on the web especially on the open collar website (
When you hand your leash to your owner, significant other or play partner, you will notice a chain linking your collar to their leash. This leash can be seen if you turn on particles in the graphics settings ( Press crtl and P ), make sure you have particles all the way up. You do have the option to update the type of leash from a chain to a ribbon, you can even change the colors, this is something that is standard with any open collar/ peanut collar or RLV collar you use in secondlife. Positioning the leash with the Devotion collar would require you to move the small ball hovering near the heart. The ball is invisible, so you will need to turn on transparencies by pressing crtl + alt + t. You can move that small ball by checking off edit linked parts in your edit menu.!
( still updating )