
Saturday, January 9, 2021

*NEW* Love Stick Earrings

Hiya Babes, 

****Update September 26, 2021:::
I have added another set of special edition earrings, these are currently available at a discounted price for the weekend. Please enjoy xo♥

LoveSick Earrings - #Mewsery {60L HW & 65L SKS}

****Update June 26, 2021:::
Pride Edition now available
#Mewsery :Lovesick Earrings ️‍🌈PRIDE EDITION️‍🌈

Hi Babes! 
Welcome to another fun weekend release. These new earrings spell out the words “Love YOU”! Each package includes a HUD. In the HUD, you have the option to change the color of the metals as well as the letter “O”. 

#Mewsery :Lovesick Earrings

These earrings are also copy and modify, which means you can customize your earrings to your liking such as adding glow, or even making them transparent. I have included some pictures below to show you how to add glow or transparency if that is something you would prefer to do! 

Outfit Details 
+ Hair: Gaia by Sintiklia
+ Mesh Head: Baby Face W001 by GENUS Project
+ HeadBand: from the GL Aidoll Set by BareRose
+ Eyemakeup: Diamond Dew Shimmer #10 by #Mewsery
+ Eyebrows: CryBaby Eyebrows [bom] in black by #Mewsery